Puppet templates and facter facts hello world
I am writing this post as part of course Linuxin keskitetty hallinta held by Tero Karvinen. In this post I will write hello world module which use puppet templates and facter facts (ex. my hardware details).
See your computer details
When we run facter command, we will see our computer details. Read more: http://www.puppetcookbook.com/posts/list-facter-facts.html
$ facter -p
Create new module
Create new view for hardware_details module:
$ mkdir -p modules/hardware_details/templates/
$ nano modules/hardware_details/templates/details.erb
The code in details.erb:
Hardware model: <%= @hardwaremodel %>
Kernel version: <%= @kernelmajversion %>
Puppet version: <%= @puppetversion %>
Ruby version: <%= @rubyversion %>
Create new directory:
$ mkdir modules/hardware_details/manifests
Do next class in file modules/hardware_details/manifests/init.pp:
class hardware_details {
file { '/tmp/hardwareDetail':
content => template('hardware_details/details.erb'),
Run puppet module:
$ puppet apply --modulepath modules/ -e 'class {"hardware_details":}'
Test module
Last we verify that module works right:
$ less /tmp/hardwareDetails
My result:
Hardware model: x86_64
Kernel version: 3.2
Puppet version: 2.7.11
Ruby version: 1.8.7